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Meteor Shower Beaded Necklace
Meteor Shower Beaded Necklace
Meteor Shower Beaded Necklace
Meteor Shower Beaded Necklace
Meteor Shower Beaded Necklace
Meteor Shower Beaded Necklace
Meteor Shower Beaded Necklace
Meteor Shower Beaded Necklace
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Meteor Shower Beaded Necklace

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This beauty a timeless piece that adds a touch of celestial elegance to any ensemble. Crafted with luminous pearls in the shape of stars, this necklace exudes timeless charm and versatility. Whether paired with casual attire or formal wear, its celestial allure complements any outfit with effortless grace. Elevate your style with the Celestial Starlight Pearl Necklace, a versatile treasure that shines bright in every setting.

16 inches adjustable to 18.5 inches ( Please leave a note if you want a custom length)