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About The Artist

Hello there! I just want to start off by saying thank you so much for visiting Yuuka Universe. You are always welcome here with open arms. My name is Elina Yuuka Oehlert and I am the owner and maker of Yuuka Universe. Welcome. 


I have been creating  art for as long as I can remember. It all started when I was a young girl. My first memories of creating art stem from working with polymer clay. I was always drawn to sculpting miniature food figures and I would spend hours perfecting them. As I grew older, my artistic talents started to evolve into doodling, using colored pencils, and sketching small images. Going into high school, I found my love for working with acrylic paints. Now I’ve come full circle and focus most of my time creating polymer clay pieces for Yuuka Universe. 


I started Yuuka Universe my senior year of college in 2019. I went to VCUarts for painting and printmaking and focused on creating art that embodied self expression, creativity, love, and acceptance. Although I studied painting and printmaking, I have a love for many mediums including makeup, textile, photography, ceramics, resin, and of course, polymer clay. 


I always knew that I wanted to make a living through creation and self expression. When I started Yuuka Universe I never thought it would become what it is today. Sometimes I feel like I am dreaming. When I originally started creating jewelry for Yuuka Universe, my only goals were to pursue my passion for working with clay and to share my art with my friends and peers. 


I chose to use my Japanese middle name, Yuuka, because I have a deep connection with my Japanese heritage. It also means gentle flower. I chose Universe because I wanted to create a space that is ever expanding with no limitations. In everything that I do, I keep these meanings close to my heart. 

Today, Yuuka Universe is a beautiful reality that I’ve brought to life. I hope to inspire others to create their own beautiful reality too. Ultimately, I want to spread beauty and joy into the world through my artwork. If my work has ever made you feel inspired, has ever made you think differently, or has ever reminded you to love yourself, I’ve done my job.