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Marmalade Flower CHARMS
Marmalade Flower CHARMS
Marmalade Flower CHARMS
Marmalade Flower CHARMS
Marmalade Flower CHARMS
Marmalade Flower CHARMS
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Marmalade Flower CHARMS

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Discover the delightful charm of our Marmalade-Inspired Flower Hoop Earrings, crafted from translucent resin tinted with ink. Inspired by the warm hues of marmalade, each earring is a unique piece of art. Choose between stainless steel or 18k gold-plated hoops to suit your style and occasion.

These earrings offer a blend of artistic elegance and lightweight comfort, making them ideal for both everyday wear and special occasions. Embrace the playful sophistication of our Marmalade-Inspired Flower Hoop Earrings, where every detail captures the essence of sweetness and style.