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Strawberry Garden Charm Necklace
Strawberry Garden Charm Necklace
Strawberry Garden Charm Necklace
Strawberry Garden Charm Necklace
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Strawberry Garden Charm Necklace

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Delight in the whimsical elegance of the Strawberry Garden Charm Necklace. This 19-inch gold-plated necklace features a charming collection of handpicked charms, each adding a touch of unique beauty to your ensemble.

At its center, a hand-sculpted strawberry charm stands out, surrounded by a star-shaped pearl, a delicate mother of pearl daisy, a vibrant red millefiori heart, and a classic metal heart charm. Each element is thoughtfully selected to create a harmonious and eye-catching design.

Perfect for adding a playful yet sophisticated touch to any outfit, the Golden Strawberry Charm Necklace is a versatile accessory that celebrates individuality and charm.