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Celestial Flower Hoops
Celestial Flower Hoops
Celestial Flower Hoops
Celestial Flower Hoops
Celestial Flower Hoops
Celestial Flower Hoops
Celestial Flower Hoops
Celestial Flower Hoops
Celestial Flower Hoops
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Celestial Flower Hoops

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The Celestial Bodies flower hoop edition! The flower hoops are my best selling style in the shop so I try to make a new set for every collection that comes out! The flower hoops come in Midnight sky, Gray Nebula, Lunar Purple, and Holographic Gravity. Midnight sky and Lunar purple are made from a polymer clay base then coated in a layer of resin to give it that extra shine. Gray Nebula and Holographic Gravity are made out of resin. 

Stainless Steel or 18K Gold plated Hoops

Charm only option available in a separate listing on the site